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Scholarships & Grants

Brunswick Community College (BCC) is committed to helping you plan and pay for college. Our dedicated Financial Aid Counselors and Foundation staff are here to assist you in applying for grants and scholarships.

North Carolina Longleaf Commitment

The Longleaf Commitment is a grant program for 2021 North Carolina High School Graduates who will attend one of our state’s “Great 58” community colleges starting in the Fall 2021 semester. High school graduates may be eligible to receive this grant – not a loan – to cover tuition and fees toward a degree or to attain transfer credit. Full-time eligible students are guaranteed to receive $700 to $2,800 per academic year, for a total of two years. Less than full-time students may receive a partial award. The Longleaf Commitment Grant ends at the conclusion of the 2023 spring semester.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Graduate from a North Carolina high school (public, private, home school, GED®, or Adult High School) in 2021
  • Be a North Carolina resident for tuition purposes
  • Be a first-time college student (Career & College Promise [CCP] and Early College High School [ECHS] students are eligible)
  • Enroll in a curriculum program that begins in the Fall 2021 semester
  • Enroll in at least 6 credit hours per semester
  • Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for 2021-22 and renew FAFSA in October 2022 for academic year 2022-23
  • Have an Expected Family Contribution (EFC) from $0 – $15,000 (“EFC” is based upon a student’s FAFSA determination)
  • Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements of the college

How to get Started

For additional assistance, contact the Office of Financial Aid, [email protected].

HEERF III  (American Rescue Plan)

Grant Available – (Fall 2021)

Brunswick Community College has received $1,398,296 as part of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP) to directly support students who have demonstrated need and are facing financial challenges due to the continuing COVID-19 pandemic. This emergency aid grant is not a loan, but rather a one-time financial award to help defray the cost of attending college (tuition/fees, food, housing, health care (including mental), and childcare, etc.).

Distribution of this grant will begin with the Fall 2021 semester and continue until all funds have been expended:

  • Total number of Brunswick Community College students who have received a HEERF III Grant as of June 24, 2021: 0
  • The estimated total number of students who are or could be eligible to participate as of June 24, 2021: 1,050
  • Total amount of HEERF III Grant funding that has been distributed to Brunswick Community College Students as of June 24, 2021: $0

According to the U.S. Department of Education, to be eligible:

  • Students must be currently enrolled at the College;
  • Students who have a demonstrated exceptional financial need, such as students who receive Pell Grants, are to be prioritized.

Who will receive ARP Emergency Aid Funds?

The College will review the cost of attendance for all students who submit a Free Application for Student Aid (FAFSA) who also met the U.S. Department of Education rules and guidelines.  Awards will be granted based on hours of enrollment and demonstrated financial need by the results of their 2021-22 FAFSA.  Students who affirm a financial need as a result of COVID 19 will be considered for emergency aid.  Students eligible for the grant will be notified by the Office of Financial Aid to authorize distribution of the grant prior to the start of the Fall semester.

How to get Started

For additional assistance, contact the Office of Financial Aid, [email protected].


Grant Available 

Brunswick Community College received $397,670 from the Department of Education through the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSA) to provide emergency aid grants to students who incurred a financial hardships due to COVID-19.  This emergency aid grant is not a loan, but rather a one-time financial award to help defray the cost of attending college (tuition/fees, food, housing, health care (including mental), and childcare, etc.).

As of June 1, 2021: 

  • The total amount of funds that the College will receive or has received from the Department of Education pursuant to our Certification and Agreement for Emergency Financial Aid Grants to students is $397,670
  • The total amount of Emergency Financial Aid Grants drawn down and disbursed to students: $347,630
  • The estimated total number of students who are or could be eligible to participate: 623
  • Total number of students who have received an Emergency Aid Grant:339

According to the U.S. Department of Education, to be eligible:

  • Students must be currently enrolled at the College;
  • Students must be U.S. citizens, or eligible U.S. non-citizens; and
  • Students who have a demonstrated exceptional financial need, such as students who receive Pell Grants, are to be prioritized.

Who will receive CRRSA Emergency Aid Funds?

The College identified students who submitted a Free Application for Student Aid (FAFSA) who also met all the U.S. Department of Education rules and guidelines, and issued a financial award based upon students enrollment and demonstrated financial need identified by their submitted 2020-21 FAFSA.  Students affirmed need was incurred as a result of COVID 19 prior to accepting and expending emergency aid.  One-time financial awards were based on the student’s hours of enrollment during Spring 2021 and/or Summer 2021 semester:

Curriculum Students:

Credit Hours       Student Aid Payment

1-5                      $  450

6-8                      $ 750

9-11                     $ 950

12+                      $1,200

Continuing Education Students:

Level      Student Aid Payment

1              $276.75

2             $229.32

3             $190.56

What if I didn’t receive CRRSA Emergency Relief Funds? Can I Still Apply?

The College identified students who met all U.S. Department of Education rules and guidelines as of May 17, 2021, based upon available information on-file with the institution. If you did not complete a FAFSA (2020-2021) and/or request your FAFSA to be shared with the College, your eligibility, in accordance with U.S. Department of Education rules and guidelines, could not be determined.  The College will continue to review information received until funds have been exhausted or the end of the Summer 2021 semester.  At the end of the Summer semester, any unspent allocations will roll into HEERF III Emergency Aid Grants.

For additional assistance, contact the Office of Financial Aid, [email protected].

HEERF I  (Cares)

Grant No Longer Available – All Funds Expended (10/28/2020)

Brunswick Community College (BCC) received a Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds (HEERF) grant created under the Coronavirus Aid Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act to support students and institutional expenses related to the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic. The student funding portion of this grant is for the sole purpose of providing emergency financial aid grants to students for expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to the coronavirus.

      • BCC signed and returned to the Department of Education the Certification and Agreement dated April 30, 2020 assuring that the College has used, or intends to use, no less than 50 percent (50%) of the funds received under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act to provide Emergency Financial Aid Grants to our students.  As of October 28, 2020, the College has drawn down and disbursed to students $397,670 of the total funds allocated.
      • The total amount of funds that the College will receive or has received from the Department of Education pursuant to our Certification and Agreement for Emergency Financial Aid Grants to students is $397,670.
      • The total amount of Emergency Financial Aid Grants distributed to students under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act as of the date of submission is $399,500.
      • The estimated total number of students who are or could be eligible to participate:  530
      • Total number of students who have received an Emergency Aid Grant:  231

Are you eligible?

To be eligible at this time, a student must have met all of the following:

  • completed a 2019-2020 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA;
  • met eligibility requirements to receive federal aid;
  • been enrolled in and attending at BCC at least one face-to-face class as of March 13, 2020 (full-term or second eight weeks) that transitioned from face-to-face to an online class environment;
  • remained enrolled and attending for the duration of Spring 2020;
  • met satisfactory academic progress towards completing an academic credential as of the end of Spring 2020; and
  • be enrolled for Summer or Fall 2020 classes.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

What are CARES Act Funds?
The Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) provided $6 billion to colleges nationwide for emergency student financial aid to be distributed to enrolled students who submit a FAFSA and have expenses related to campus disruption due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The CARES allocation will help BCC students with financial burdens caused by the COVID-19 crisis and assist with the costs of attending college. BCC will distribute $397,670, the amount designated to BCC for Student Emergency Grant, awarding a one-time grant to eligible students.

Who is eligible?
The CARES Act Emergency Aid Fund provides emergency financial aid grants to students for expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to coronavirus. If you have such COVID-19 related expenses, were enrolled in a seated, face-to-face class of March 13, 2020, that transitioned to online, you filed a 2019-2020 FAFSA, and met federal financial aid eligibility requirements, you may be eligible.

How did BCC decide the award amounts for CARES Act Emergency Grants?
The college uses a formula approach based on the number of students who transitioned to online courses and the credit hours students were enrolled.

How do I apply?
BCC is working hard to contact all eligible students by email. If you are eligible for a CARES Act Emergency Grant, you will receive an email from BCC’s Financial Aid office in the month of June with additional instructions.

In order to receive funding, you must timely return the application and any other required documentation to the Financial Aid office. Priority for awarding funds will be to those students already eligible.

In the meantime, verify your contact information by logging on to your Self-Service account to assure BCC has your current phone number and mailing address.

Do I have to complete a FAFSA to receive a CARES Act Emergency Grant?

Can I still complete a FAFSA if I have not already done so?
Yes. Complete your FAFSA as soon as possible so you may be considered for a CARES Act Emergency Grant and other aid. For the summer 2020 enrollment, you need to complete the 2019-20 FAFSA no later than June 30. For the fall 2020 enrollment, complete the 2020-2021 FAFSA. If you need assistance completing your FAFSA, contact a financial aid counselor at [email protected]

How much money can I get?
BCC awards will be one-time awards based on the student’s hours of enrollment during Spring 2020:

Credit Hours       Student Aid Payment

1-5                      $  500

6-8                      $1,000

9-11                     $1,500

12+                      $2,000

How do I receive my money?
Funds will be released directly to you via a check and will not be used to pay any amount owed to BCC.

How can I use my CARES Act Emergency Grant?
How you use your CARES Act Emergency Grant is your choice. Consider using these funds to pay for your expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to the coronavirus (including expenses related to your cost of attendance, such as food, housing, course materials, technology, healthcare, and child care). BCC will notrequire you to submit receipts or other documentation on how you spend your funds.

What if I owe a balance to BCC for tuition or other expenses?
You can still be eligible to receive a CARES Act Emergency Grant if you owe a balance to BCC. The college will not deduct any fees from your CARES Act Emergency Grant. However, any outstanding balances on your account must be paid prior to enrolling in future courses.

Will a CARES Act emergency grant negatively affect my financial aid for this year or next year?
No. This grant will not be used in calculating your current or future financial aid awards.

What if I have other questions?
Contact a financial aid counselor at [email protected].

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