Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Admissions FAQ
Visit BCC’s How to Apply webpage for an easy step-by-step guide on how to apply to the college.
Is there an application fee?
No. BCC does not charge an application fee.
Can I apply to the college at any time?
Yes. We accept applications year-round and offer courses to fit most schedules.
How long until I receive an admission’s decision?
The average application processing time is 3-5 business days. Processing times may vary when additional information or transcripts are needed.
Do I need a high school diploma or high school equivalence diploma to enroll?
The College admits any person who is:
- a legal resident of the United States,
- a high school graduate, a GED® recipient, and/or adult high school equivalency diploma recipient
- at least 18 years of age.
Students less than 18 years of age attending Brunswick County public, registered home, or private school may enroll at the college through BCC’s Career and College Promise program.
How do I schedule a campus visit or tour?
We can’t wait to welcome you to campus! Schedule a campus visit or tour. Provide your preferred date and time on a Tour Request form located on BCC’s “How to Apply” webpage.
Do I have to take the ACT?
No. ACT scores are not required; however, these scores may help in determining your college readiness to enroll in college-level English and math courses.
Does BCC require placement testing for admission?
Only a few competitive programs like Health Sciences require placement exams. In general, BCC uses the student’s high school unweighted GPA as the primary means of assessing placement in college-level English and math courses.
I just want to take a class or two and transfer to my 4-year institution, what do I do?
If you are a first-time college student, check with the University you are ultimately seeking to enroll to determine their minimum transfer requirements. If you are already enrolled at a 4-year institution or only seeking to take one or two classes, visit BCC’s How to Apply webpage, and submit an application with the program of study “Non-Degree Seeking (Special Credit)” selected. As a non-degree seeking student, you can enroll in up to 15 hours of coursework before being required to declare a major.
How do I send my transcript(s)?
If you graduated from a North Carolina public high school after 2017, request your high school transcript through the College Foundation of North Carolina, CFNC, the same system you used to apply to BCC.
If you graduated prior to 2017, attended an out-of-state high school, or have prior college coursework, contact the high school and/or college you previously attended to determine how to request an official transcript.
BCC accepts electronic transcripts provided by third-party vendors like eScript or Parchment. BCC also accepts official transcripts that are sealed and delivered in-person or by U.S. mail to the Office of Records & Enrollment Services.
I was homeschooled, how should I submit my transcript?
You can provide your official, notarized transcript, with the official graduation date (including month, day, and year), and GPA in a sealed envelope to the Office of Records & Enrollment Services.
How long does it take to evaluate a transcript?
Transcripts are usually evaluated within 48 hours of receipt; however, we recommend submitting transcripts at least 3 months prior to your desired start date.
I received my GED®, what should I submit?
You need to submit your official GED® transcript (not diploma). Visit Diploma Sender and follow the step-by-step instructions for requesting your official transcript.
How much will it cost to attend BCC?
Tuition is based on the credit hours: $76 per credit hour for in-state and $236 for out-of-state tuition. The cost of books and course material(s) varies. Visit Tuition and Fees to view the current tuition rate table based on total credit hours.
How long must I live in NC to be eligible for in-state tuition rates?
To qualify for in-state tuition, you must have lived in North Carolina for at least one calendar year and have documented proof of residency, i.e. driver’s license, vehicle registration, voter registration card, utility or cable bill, etc. Complete the Residency Determination Survey, which is part of the application process, to determine your tuition rate.
Financial Aid FAQ
Financial aid is any funding that helps you pay for college that does not come from family, personal savings, or earnings.
What types of aid are available?
- Grants – This is money that you do not have to repay.
- Scholarships – This is money that you do not have to repay; however, there are often stipulations attached to the award. Visit the college’s Financial Aid webpage and scroll down the page to Scholarship Opportunities for information on what scholarships are currently being offered.
- Work-Study – This is money you actually earn. The college provides employment opportunities that will help you pay for college.
Does Financial Aid cover the cost of my books?
Financial aid funds can be used in the campus bookstore to purchase books and course materials. The amount of financial aid a student has available for books is determined by the financial aid award minus the cost of tuition and fees.
How do I apply for Financial Aid?
To apply for financial aid, students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), The FAFSA must be completed annually on or after October 1st. Note: Be careful not to use or you will be charged a fee to use their site.
What is a FSA ID?
A FSA ID is a username and password that you use to log in to the U.S. Department of Education online systems.
Your FSA ID is your signature, so it has to be unique to you. If you are a parent of a dependent student, you will need your own FSA ID if you want to sign your child’s FAFSA form electronically. If you have more than one child attending college, you can use the same FSA ID to sign all applications, but each child must have his or her own FSA ID. Keep your FSA ID user ID and password as you will need to refer to it when you renew your FAFSA each year.
What is BCC’s Financial Aid School Code?
BCC’s financial aid federal school code is 015285.
Do I have to reapply for Financial Aid each year?
Yes. The FAFSA must be completed annually on or after October 1st.
Do I have to report my parent(s) income?
You are required to report your parent(s) income. However, you may be determined to be an independent student if:
- You are 24 years old on January 1st preceding the academic year.
- You are married.
- You have legal dependents other than a spouse that you are supporting.
- You are a veteran of the United States military.
- You were in foster care or ward of the court since age 13.
- You are or have been an emancipated minor as determined by a court in your state of legal residence.
- You are or have been in legal guardianship as determined by a court in your state of legal residence.
- Your high school or school district homeless liaison determined that you were an unaccompanied youth who was homeless at any time on or after July 1 of the preceding year.
- The director of an emergency shelter or transitional housing program funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development determined that you were an unaccompanied youth who was homeless at any time on or after July 1 of the preceding year.
- The director of a runaway or homeless youth basic center or transitional living program determined that you were an unaccompanied youth who was homeless or were self-supporting and at risk of being homeless at any time on or after July 1 of the preceding year.
What is a Financial Aid package?
Your financial aid may come from a variety of funding sources and may contain a combination of the three types of aid available (grants, scholarships, and work-study). Once your FAFSA is submitted and processed, the Office of Financial Aid calculates your Expected Family Contribution (EFC). This EFC is determined by considering the number of persons in the household, household income, and the number of persons from the household in college. Then, the calculated EFC is subtracted from the cost of attendance to determine your financial aid award need.
How will I know how much aid I have been awarded?
You will be notified by email by BCC’s Financial Aid office.
How many hours are considered full-time for financial aid calculations?
For financial aid purposes, 12 or more credit hours is considered full-time enrollment; for academic purposes, 15-17 credit hours is considered full-time. Most 2-year programs are designed for students to complete 15-17 credit hours each semester. Should you elect to complete 12 or less hours per semester, it may take you longer to complete a 2-year degree program.
Can I get Financial Aid if I attend part-time?
If you attend less than 12 credit hours, your award will be reduced proportionately. Part-time financial aid recipients are still eligible to receive other forms of grants and scholarships.
When will I receive my Financial Aid funds?
Refund checks are usually available 30 days after the first day of class.
How do I qualify for Financial Aid for the summer semester?
For Year-Round Pell, students must be enrolled at least half-time (6 credit hours) to be eligible for summer Pell Grant. For students enrolled part-time (less than 12 credit hours) for fall or spring semesters, there is not a minimum credit requirement to receive a summer Pell Grant (unless required by your EFC from your FAFSA results).
How does withdrawing from classes affect my Financial Aid?
Federal and State regulations require that students receiving financial aid maintain satisfactory academic progress. One requirement is that you must complete at least 67% of the total cumulative credit hours attempted. Therefore, withdrawals, failing grades, and incompletes will count against you. Also, if you completely withdraw from college before the 60% point of the semester, you may be required to return all or part of the financial aid funds you received.
Can I apply for Financial Aid if I have not yet applied to the college?
Yes. You should complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as soon as possible. Make sure to also visit BCC’s How to Apply webpage for an easy step-by-step guide on how to apply to BCC. The Office of Financial Aid may not complete the processing of your FAFSA until you have applied to the college and all transcripts have been received.
Are all programs of studies covered by financial aid?
No. Associate degrees and Basic Law Enforcement programs may be covered; however, many diploma and certificate programs are not. Also, special credit students and students enrolled in Continuing Education programs are not eligible for financial aid. If you are unsure about aid eligibility for the program you are considering, contact the Office of Financial Aid at [email protected].
How can I tell if a scholarship offer is a scam?
According to the Federal Trade Commission, “unscrupulous companies guarantee or promise scholarships or grants. Some guarantee that they can get scholarships on behalf of students or award them ‘scholarships’ in exchange for an advance fee. Most offer a ‘money-back guarantee’ – but include conditions that make it impossible to get a refund. Others provide nothing for the student’s advance fee-not even a list of potential sources. Some companies ask for a student’s checking account to ‘confirm eligibility,’ then debit the account without the student’s consent.” Even if the company does provide the student with an award source(s), most often the same information is available at the Financial Aid Office for free.
Are adult high school or GED® students eligible to receive financial aid?
Once you earn your GED® or AHSD, you are eligible to apply and potentially receive financial aid.
Brunswick Guarantee FAQ
Brunswick County high school students who graduate with a 2.3 GPA or BCC GED/Adult High School diploma recipients may be eligible to pursue a degree, diploma, or certificate at Brunswick Community College. Scholarship recipients must:
- be a resident of Brunswick County within the past 2 years.
- be a United States citizen or documented lawful permanent resident of the United States.
- have been enrolled in a Brunswick County public, private, or home school in Brunswick County during high school. (Students with county residency of less than the full duration of high school but greater than 2 years (4 semesters) will receive their scholarship reduced based on the percentage of time residency was maintained to the nearest whole semester.
- have earned at least a 2.3 unweighted high school GPA, or received a GED®/Adult High School diploma from Brunswick Community College, receiving a passing score on the GED® or HiSET® exam.
- enroll at Brunswick Community College (BCC) within four semesters (Fall, Spring, Summer, Fall) of graduating a Brunswick County high school or receiving a BCC GED®/Adult High School Diploma
- complete a BCC Scholarship application and a Free Application for Federal Student Aid.
- enroll in a curriculum (for credit) program (certificate, diploma, or degree).
How do I apply for the Brunswick Guarantee?
Visit BCC’s Brunswick Guarantee for step-by-step instructions.
What is covered and not covered by the Brunswick Guarantee?
The Brunswick Guarantee Scholarship covers all in-state tuition, fees, and books (up to $750) not covered by financial aid or any other scholarship program(s). Courses and books that are not required for the student’s academic program are not covered by the Brunswick Guarantee.
How do I continue to receive the Brunswick Guarantee while at BCC?
A student must:
- be continuously enrolled
- remain in good academic standing each semester maintaining at least a 2.0 GPA and 67% Pass Rate. Students who withdraw from courses prior to completing at least 60% of the enrollment term will have their aid adjusted based on the percentage of the term completed and the student must return any unearned funds to the Brunswick Guarantee program.
- annually complete the FAFSA (after October 1st)
- annually complete the BCC Scholarship Application (after March 1st)
- not exceed two program of study changes or exceed 150% lifetime eligibility
Scholarships are awarded as funds are available.
Advising/Registration FAQ
When can I register for my college classes?
Summer and Fall class schedules are typically available on BCC’s Website in April, and the Spring schedule in October. Registration begins soon after schedules are published. View the Registration Schedule for semester registration dates.
How do I register for a class?
A Faculty Advisor must approve your selected courses to unlock account registration. View your Self-Service account to obtain your advisor’s contact information.
- First Semester Students– Freshman must meet with a Success Coach to review your program of study, select, and register for your first semester classes. Contact [email protected] to schedule an appointment.
- Returning Students– Registration for returning students is available through Self-Service once you have met with your Faculty Advisor. Students may adjust schedules through Self-Service up until the day before classes begin. After that time, schedules may only be adjusted through the Office of Academic Support, [email protected].
- Career and College Promise– Dual enrolled, Career and College Promise, students must meet with a BCC Career Coach to select and register for courses. A completed CCP Packet (authorization form and updated transcript) is required to complete the registration process.
- Early College High School Students– Early College High School students must meet with their high school counselor to obtain the paperwork required to register for classes. Once you have obtained the signed registration form, select courses in Self-Service, and contact the Office of Academic Support, [email protected], to complete the registration process.
I received a message when trying to register that pre-requisite(s) and/or co-requisite(s) have not been met; what does that mean?
A pre-requisite course must be taken prior to enrolling in the course; a co-requisite course must be taken at the same time you are enrolling in the other course. If you receive a message that you do not meet the pre-requisites or co-requisites, view the Catalog and Handbook to determine which pre-requisites and co-requisites are required.
If you completed the pre-requisite or co-requisite at another college or believe you received this message in error, contact the Registrar, [email protected]. If you have not completed the course pre-requisite, you will not be allowed to register for the course.
I received a message when trying to register that Advisor approval is required; how do I get Advisor approval?
Send a Request to Review message to your Faculty Advisor through your Self-Service account. Step-by-step instructions for planning, selecting, and registering for courses are available for download on the MyBCC webpage.
I received a message that there is a “hold” on my account when I tried to register, who do I contact?
The message you receive should identify the type of “hold” on your record. Contact OneStop Student Services, [email protected] to obtain additional information on how to resolve the issue.
I am on a waitlist; what does that mean?
When you are waitlisted for a course, the course is filled to capacity, and you are currently waiting for a seat to open in the course you selected. If a student drops out of the course, you will be next in line to enroll. When a space becomes available or if another section of the class opens, you will be automatically enrolled in the course and your name will be removed from the waitlist. If you no longer wish to enroll in the course, please remove the course from Self-Service or notify OneStop Student Services, [email protected], prior to the first day of class.
When is tuition due?
Tuition is due at the time of registration and is paid online through your Self-Service or by visiting the Business Office Cashier’s office located on our main campus, Building A. Students who pre-register during priority registration are required to submit payment no later than 10 days prior to the semester start date. A student who has not paid in a timely manner will be deregistered from their course(s).
How do I make payments online?
- Log in to your Self-Service account
- Select “Student Finance”
- Select “Make a Payment”
- Enter payment information
- Select “Pay on My Account”
How do I see what classes I am enrolled in?
You can view your courses in Self-Service. Select student planning, view your current or future semester.
I have attended BCC in the past, how do I re-enroll?
Visit BCC’s How to Apply webpage for step-by-step instructions on how to apply to the college. If you have not attended the college for two consecutive semesters (excluding summer) you must re-apply to the college.
How do I know which books I need for class?
The campus bookstore can help you identify the course materials you need for your classes. If you decide to order books online, once on the Campus Bookstore website, enter the course code to view a list of the required course materials.
I am a financial aid recipient, when can I get pick-up my books from the bookstore?
For financial aid recipients, books may be obtained 10 days prior to the class start date.
I missed the Registration Date, can I still attend classes?
Yes. BCC offers classes that start at varying times throughout the year. Contact a Success Coach in the Office of Academic Support, [email protected], to enroll in classes.
I need to change my schedule. Can I get a tuition refund?
For curriculum courses, a 100% refund shall be made if the student officially drops the course prior to the first day of class. A 75% refund will only be made for courses dropped after the first date of the course prior to the official 10% point of the class. Student activity, technology, and insurance fees are non-refundable.
I need to withdraw from a class. Will I receive any money back?
You can withdraw from a course before the 75% point of class without academic penalty. For curriculum courses, a 75% refund shall be made if the student officially withdraws prior to the official 10% point of the class. Student activity, technology, and insurance fees are non-refundable.
Technology FAQ
What is Self-Service?
Self-Service is an innovative tool that students use to view their academic records, check their degree progress, grades, register and pay for classes, apply for graduation, request transcripts, view financial aid award status and tax information.
How do I log in to Self-Service?
Students access Self-Service through the Student Portal. If you are a new student, you need to setup your username and password before you can access Self-Service. If you are a returning student, use your Email/Moodle UserID and Password to log in to Self-Service. If you need assistance, contact Distance Learning at [email protected] or 910.755.7390.
Where can I find help with Self-Service?
Self-Service Tutorials are available for download from the Student Portal webpage. If you need further assistance, contact the Office of Academic Support at [email protected] or 910.755.7320.
What is Watermark (AVISO)?
Watermark (previously referred to as AVISO) helps BCC provide proactive outreach services to ensure student’s success. It provides alerts when you have irregular attendance, stop attending class, have a pattern of missed assignments, or low grades. When an Academic Alert is received, your Success Coach will reach out to you to offer support services to help you get back on track.
How do I log in to Watermark (AVISO)?
Students may log in to Watermark (AVISO) through MyBCC. Use the same Email/Moodle UserID and Password to access Watermark.
What is my User ID?
Your username is the first four letters of your first name and the last five digits of your student ID number. If you need assistance, contact Distance Learning at [email protected], or 910.755.7390.
How do I reset my password?
Passwords expire every 90 days. Access BCC’s Student Portal for step-by-step instructions on how to reset your password. If you need assistance, contact Distance Learning at [email protected], or 910.755.7390.
Will I need a laptop?
A laptop can make college life easier. However, if you do not have one available to you computers are available in the Library, TLC, and Dolphin Cove. Laptops are also available for short and long-term checkout at the circulation desk in the library, as equipment is available.
Career and College Promise Program FAQ
What is Career and College Promise (CCP)?
CCP offers qualified North Carolina high school students a jumpstart in college classes or workforce pathways. This tuition-free program is open to high school students who meet eligibility requirements.
Who is a Career and College Promise student?
A CCP student is ready to take on the responsibilities of being both a high school and a college student. They are academically motivated to start earning college credit while maintaining their high school classes, job responsibilities, sports commitments, community, and/or family obligations.
What are the advantages of participating in the CCP program?
Career and College Promise offers tuition-free classes for high school students to provide the opportunity to work toward a certificate, diploma, or degree while completing their high school diploma.
Can home school and private school students participate in CCP?
Yes, students attending a registered home or private school may participate in CCP. Generally, both private and home school students are required to establish eligibility using the same criteria applied to public school students (GPA, assessment scores, and notarized/official transcript).
Is transportation provided for Brunswick County public high school students?
Transportation is provided or students may provide their own transportation. Contact [email protected] to arrange for transportation services.
How do students apply to participate in the Career & College Promise program?
To apply for the CCP program:
- Meet with your high school Guidance Counselor. Obtain the following:
- Career and College Promise Authorization Form
- Official high school transcript
- Copies of test scores (PLAN, PSAT, Pre-ACT, ACT, SAT)
- Complete the Online BCC Application
- Meet with your high school Career Coach
- Bring completed CCP Packet (authorization from/transcript/test scores)
- Determine CCP Pathway Eligibility
- Register for classes
Can a student be tentatively admitted who does not meet requirements?
No. CCP eligibility is based upon the student’s GPA at the time the counselor assesses their eligibility.
Are there any minimum class attendance requirements for CCP students?
CCP students will be held to the same attendance and academic requirements as traditional college students. In college, there are no excused or unexcused absences.
When and where do I take the courses?
Dual enrolled students may take courses at any time and location that works with their schedules. Visit BCC’s website, Course Schedules, or Self-Service to view current course offerings.
Can high school students take community college courses in the summer and have tuition waived?
Yes. Students may enroll in summer courses as BCC’s summer semester starts prior to the end of the Brunswick County School year, as long as they meet the eligibility requirements.
Can my CCP courses be used for high school credit?
Yes. There are some courses that may be used for high school credit. Contact your high school counselor, Career Coach, or the CCP Coordinator for additional information.
Will CCP students receive honors or AP credit for completing college courses?
All community college courses included in the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement (CAA) will receive weighted credit equivalent to AP. CTE and other courses not included in the CAA are eligible for weighted credit equivalent to honors.
Are there any costs associated with this program?
Tuition and books are paid for by the Brunswick County Schools system and BCC. Students are responsible for paying a minimal technology and insurance fee and any cost associated with lab kits or equipment fees, especially in relation to welding and cosmetology programs.
How will my CCP courses transfer?
Within the UNC system, all the college transfer courses are guaranteed to seamlessly transfer. If you are planning on attending a college that is not part of the UNC system, you can visit the transferring college’s website and search for “transfer equivalency” to see how your BCC credits will be received by that particular institution.
What does a student need to know to be successful in college courses?
College courses require advanced reading comprehension skills and are intensive in reading and writing. Students are expected to read and adhere to the syllabus for each course and abide by the attendance policy as stated for each course.
If a high school student completes all high school requirements in December (eligible to graduate) can he/she continue with the courses, tuition exempt, even if he/she has no high school classes?
No. High school graduates cannot participate in CCP. However, if the high school semester ends after the community college semester has started, the student is eligible for CCP.
General FAQ
Where do I park?
On the main campus, student parking is available in:
- Lot 1 (back of Building F)
- Lot 3 & 4 (front of Health Sciences Building)
- Lot 6 (back of Building B)
- Lot 7 (front of Building H)
- Lot 8 (back of O’Dell Williamson Auditorium).
Expect crowded parking lots, especially if you arrive on campus after 8:00 a.m. Parking spaces in front of Building A are reserved for faculty, staff, and visitors.
Where do I get a parking pass?
Visit OneStop Student Services, at our main campus, Building A to obtain your student parking decal. You will need your driver’s license and vehicle registration card to obtain your parking decal.
Where do I put my parking decal on my vehicle?
Place your parking decal on the lower corner of the driver’s side back glass of your vehicle.
Is there a cafeteria at BCC?
Brunswick County School system provides breakfast and lunch options through Fin’s Grill located on our main campus, Building A, when the Brunswick County School system is in session. Standard vending machines for snacks and drinks are around campus, and a snack bar is located in the Bookstore. Subway, deli, and other fast-food type options are available close to the campus; however, they are not within walking distance.
Where is the Bookstore?
The bookstore is located on our main campus, Building A, next to Fin’s Grill. You can conveniently shop online and/or order textbooks and course materials online.
Where is the Financial Aid Office?
The Financial Aid office is part of OneStop Student Services, which is located on our main campus, Building A.
Where and when do I pay for my classes?
Tuition is due at the time of registration and is paid online through your Self-Service or by visiting the Business Office Cashier’s office located on our main campus, Building A. Students who pre-register during priority registration are required to submit payment no later than 10 days prior to the semester start date. A student who has not paid in a timely manner will be deregistered from their course(s).
Who is my Success Team?
Your Faculty Advisor and Success Coach work as a team to help you transition into, through, and beyond college. Your Success Team is assigned based on your Program of Study and information on your team is normally available as soon as you register for your first semester classes. You can locate your Faculty Advisor and/or Success Coach information through the College’s Watermark (AVISO) Retention system. You can also send a message to review your Plan of Study to your Faculty Advisor through Self-Service.
What is the process to request transcripts from BCC?
Transcript Requests can be made through the National Student Clearinghouse’s E-Transcript service. You may also request a transcript in person by visiting OneStop Student Services on our main campus, Building A. A processing fee may be incurred of up to $5.25 for electronic services and $5.00 for in-person requests.
Who do I request Enrollment Verifications from BCC?
The National Student Clearing House provides enrollment, degrees, and professional certification verifications for colleges.
What student activities/organizations are offered at BCC?
Learn more about our student activities by contacting the Manager of Student Events and Activities at 910.755.7338.
Where is the library and what are the hours?
The Library is located on our main campus, Building A. The library is normally open Monday through Thursday, 7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. and Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Hours may vary during summer and holiday periods.
Where are computer labs located and what are the hours?
Technology resources are available in the Library and Dolphin Cove. The library is located on our main campus in Building A.
When do the semesters begin and end?
Fall semester typically begins mid-August, Spring semester in early January, and summer in mid-May. View our Academic Calendar for specific semester start and end dates.
When are holidays/school breaks?
View our Academic Calendar for specific holiday and school break dates.
Where are my classes located?
The location of your classes is identified under each course listed on the Course Plan within Self-Service. View our Campus Map to familiarize yourself with building locations.
Will I receive a student email account?
Once admitted to the college, your student email information is found in your admission’s acceptance email. Make sure that you check your BCC Email account on a regular basis for college and instructor communications.