Food Pantry
Housed on the first floor of Building A on the main campus, the food pantry offers ready-to-eat and non-perishable items, as well as feminine hygiene products and basic toiletries. Students as well as faculty and staff members can come for a whole bag of food, and arrange for special deliveries as often as needed.
The Student Food Pantry does not require any documentation of need. It operates on the honor system. Students will be asked to sign in upon entering in an effort to continually improve our offerings. If you know of someone who may benefit from this service, please encourage them to reach out. You may also contact BCC’s OneStop Student Services Center for assistance.
BCC is grateful to community organizations, like FOCUS Broadband and PORCH , that help keep the pantry stocked. Donations are always welcome. Some of the most-needed items include microwavable meals, peanut butter and jelly, cereal, pasta, sauce, soups, macaroni & cheese, as well toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, toilet paper, and cleaning supplies. Save a trip to the story by clicking on the button below to order items from Amazon to be shipped directly to BCC.
For more information, visit the OneStop Student Services Center, Building A, 1st floor.