Student Resources


The Office of Records and Enrollment Management maintains all student records and coordinates registration for new and returning students. The Registrar is available to assist you with transcripts, degree and enrollment verification, address or name changes, withdrawals, and questions regarding filing your intent to graduate or graduation requirements.

Academic Calendar

FERPA (Privacy Rights)

Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the College is permitted to release directory information without your prior consent. Brunswick Community College designates the following items as directory information: student name, major field of study, dates of attendance, full-time or part-time status, degrees, diplomas, certificates, and awards received. The College may disclose any of those items without prior written consent unless the student has notified Records & Enrollment Management, in writing, stating that he/she does not want such information released. Should you wish this information not to be released, you must submit a Right to Privacy form to the Office of the Records and Enrollment Management.

At times, parents and/or other family members will inquire about your progress asking to speak to a faculty/staff member on your behalf. They may also ask for information related to financial aid, tuition/billing, attendance, grades, academic progress. If you would like us to release information to anyone outside of the college, you must complete a FERPA form providing your consent. Without your consent, only basic procedural and policy information will be released. If you want the College to share your educational and financial records with your family members or others, click on the button below to complete a FERPA form. Simply log in, select FORMS and then the FERPA form. After completing it, click on SUBMIT.


Schedule Changes

Adding Courses

Students are permitted to add class(es) through their Faculty Advisor or Success Coach at any time prior to the start of the term, provided that registration is open, and prior tuition and fees have been paid.  Students using Financial Aid to pay for classes may only take classes within their program of study.  Prior to adding/dropping course(s), students receiving Financial Aid, should consult with a Financial Aid Counselor to determine how adding/dropping class(es) will affect Financial Aid eligibility.

Dropping Courses

Students may drop courses prior to the start of the term to receive a 100% refund.  Students may drop class(es) through their Faculty Advisor or Success Coach prior to or on the official 10% point of the semester shall receive a 75% for tuition costs, less student and technology fees.  Additional information regarding tuition refunds is located in the Curriculum Tuition Refund Policy section of your Catalog and Student Handbook.

Withdrawing from Courses

Students may withdraw from a course after the census date and until the 75% point of the course. The last dates to withdraw from courses are published in the catalog and are available on the college’s website, Student Resources, Schedules, Critical Dates for “Census, Drop, and Withdraw”.   Students should meet with their Faculty Advisor or Success Coach to withdraw from classes.  If receiving Financial Aid, the student should also meet with a Financial Aid Counselor to assess the impact of withdrawing on funds previously received and continued financial aid eligibility.  Official withdraws will be issued a grade of “W”, which will appear on your transcript but not factor into your GPA calculation.

2025 Spring Semester Sessions Session Dates Last day to Withdraw (or submit an Administrative Withdrawal)
1st 8 week (B) 1/6/25 – 3/3/25 2/17/25
16 week (A) 1/6/25 – 5/6/25 4/7/25
2nd 12 week (F) 2/3/25 – 5/6/25 4/11/25
2nd 8 week (C) 3/4/25 – 5/6/25 4/22/25

Withdraws After the Withdraw Deadline

Students may not withdraw after the course withdraw deadline except under extreme circumstance (medical leave, called to active duty military status, etc.).  For extreme circumstances, acceptable documentation must be provided to the Office of Records and Enrollment Management and the withdraw must be approved by the Vice President for Student Affairs.

Degree or Enrollment Verification

Brunswick Community College has authorized The National Student Clearinghouse to provide enrollment and degree verifications. Verifications will not be performed in-house. The National Student Clearinghouse can be contacted at:

  • Web –
  • MailThe National Student Clearinghouse | 2300 Dulles Station Boulevard, Suite 300 | Herndon, VA 20171


Grades are available via Self Service at the end of the each term. Students should view their grades, and if they have any questions, contact the instructor directly.

Grades of Incomplete

In certain circumstances, your instructor may issue you the grade of “I” for Incomplete. All work necessary to complete your course requirements must be completed by the end of the next semester (i.e. an “I” in a fall course must be remedied by the conclusion of the spring semester).

The grade of “I” can be replaced by an actual grade only by completing all work assigned by the instructor of the course. It is the responsibility of the student to make the necessary arrangements with the instructor to accomplish the required additional work needed to remove the “I” grade.

If the student does not satisfactorily complete the required work during the semester subsequent to receiving the “I” grade, it will automatically become an “F” and is computed in this way in the student’s grade point average.

Grade Changes

Students cannot initiate a grade change with the Office of the Registrar. If you feel you have a situation which merits a grade change, you must contact the instructor for that course first in accordance with the “Grade Appeal Procedure” outlined in the catalog. Also in accordance with this procedure, a student forfeits all right to challenge a grade in a course after the conclusion of the semester following the receipt of that course (i.e. a student may only challenge the grade in a spring course until the conclusion of the summer semester).


2025 Commencement Ceremony

Friday, May 9, 2025


Applying to Graduate

All students, regardless of program, must apply to graduate at BCC, via Self Service.  Graduation Applications are only accepted during the semester during which you will complete your program (though Summer students can apply during the Spring semester).  Applications must be received no later than 5 p.m. on the stated deadline.

If graduating at the end of the Fall term, graduation applications are due to the Registrar’s office by September 15.

If graduating at the end of the Spring or Summer term, graduation applications are due to the Registrar’s office by February 15.

In accordance with state and federal policy, a student will only be graduated from the highest-level status within a program in a given semester (i.e. An Associate in Arts student will only be awarded the A.A. degree, but not both the A.A. and Core Diploma in Arts. He or she may, however, receive both an A.A. and A.S. degree in a given semester.).

Cap & Gown Orders

To participate in the graduation ceremony, students must purchase a cap, gown, and tassel. These are available for ordering through Herff-Jones (through March 7). The cost of cap and gowns is approximately $55, including tax. Students with a significant financial hardship which may prevent them from purchasing a cap and gown to participate in graduation should stop by the Office of the Registrar for more information.

Graduation Ceremony

BCC has one graduation ceremony per academic year in May for all graduates. Summer graduates are permitted to participate in graduation, provided they are registered for the last courses necessary to complete their program(s).

The graduation ceremony is not a certification of your graduation from the college, as your final grades and readiness for graduation must still be evaluated, and all outstanding debts to the college must be resolved before your are designated a “graduate” of the college for employment and educational purposes.

Graduation Honors

BCC bestows upon graduates a series of graduation honors, recognizing academic achievement and membership in certain student organizations or activities on-campus.
Academic Achievement:  Students graduating from associate degree or diploma programs of study are eligible for the following graduation honors, based upon his/her cumulative program GPA at the conclusion of the fall semester:

Associate Degree Graduates’ Honors:  The President’s Award is given annually to one associate degree graduate with the highest cumulative GPA among the pool of graduates. In the event of a tie, the number of credit hours and programs of study completed at the College are used to determine the recipient. This individual is recognized during the graduation ceremony and is presented with a keepsake in recognition of his/her achievement.

  • Summa Cum Laude or “with highest honors”:  A student graduating with a cumulative GPA of a 3.90 or higher in his/her program of study
  • Magna Cum Laude or “with high honors”:  A student graduating with a cumulative GPA of 3.75 to 3.89 in his/her program of study
  • Cum Laude or “with honors“: A student graduating with a cumulative GPA of 3.50 to 3.74 in his/her program of study
  • Honor Graduate:  A student graduating from a diploma program with a cumulative GPA of a 3.50 or higher in his/her program of study

The above honors are both noted in the graduation program and on the student’s printed credentials. Graduation ceremony participants are additionally provided with one gold honor cord to wear with their regalia, regardless of if he/she has completed more than one program of study with “honors.”

Other Distinctions:  Honor cords or stoles are provided (at no cost to the student) to those who elect to participate in the graduation ceremony and are part of the following student organizations or activities on-campus:

  • Adult Learner
  • Brunswick County Early College
  • Career & College Promise
  • Global Scholars of Distinction
  • National Technical Honor Society
  • Phi Theta Kappa
  • Student Ambassador
  • Student Government Association
  • Varsity Athletics
  • Veteran

Note: Students should not order cords and other items from their organization of the College’s cap and gown provider (other than for a personal keepsake). To ensure uniformity, graduates are only permitted to wear College-issued honor cords and stoles.

Students who do not wish to participate in the graduation ceremony, or wish to obtain duplicate cords for display purposes may do so after the graduation ceremony at cost.

GED®/Adult High School Diploma Students

To participate in the graduation ceremony, you will also be required to purchase a cap and gown during the ordering dates. However, you will not submit an Application for Graduation to the Office of the Registrar. Please contact Foundational Studies at 910.755.7386 for more information on how to apply.

Transcript Requests

Students can request transcripts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week through the National Student Clearinghouse’s E-TRANSCRIPT service.

A $6.00 transcript fee is charged for each official transcript sent electronically, mailed, or in person. There is also a $2.25 online processing fee for all transcript requests ordered through the National Student Clearinghouse. Electronic PDF’s also have an additional shipping and handling fee of $1.00 which is charged by National Student Clearinghouse.

Click here to be directed to the NSCH website for electronic transcript ordering: Electronic Transcript Request.

Transcripts by Mail or In Person

Official Electronic transcripts will provide the fastest delivery method, however official transcript requests can be made in Student Services – Office of the Registrar, P.O. Box 30, Supply, NC 28462-0030 for a fee of $6.00 per transcript (available one business day after receipt of the request and payment) and/or an additional $5 on-demand processing fee per order for same-day service.  Click here for the BCC transcript request form: Transcript Request Form.

Students must pay by cash, check, Discover, Master Card, or Visa in the Business Office, using Self-Service, or by calling 910.755.7318.

Unofficial transcripts can be printed through your Self-Service account.

Document Printing

Former students who graduated prior to the Fall 2018 semester interested in having their certificate, degree, or diploma printed should complete a Credential Request for each document they are requesting, along with payment. The cost of each document is $15.00, payable by check to Brunswick Community College, or in-person by cash, check, money order, MasterCard, or Visa.

The cost of credential printing for current students is factored into your student fees. You should not complete a request form.

For GED/Adult High School Diploma Requests, please contact Foundational Studies at 910.755.7386.

Basic Law Enforcement Training (BLET) Students

BLET students will have a separate registration day designated by the program director. Students must still complete all admissions applications, placement testing, etc. prior to this registration day. Additional information can be obtained by contacting J. D. Smith, BLET at 910.755.8088.

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