woman sitting in front of computer screens

Associate In Science – Computer Science (A10400CS)

Students in the Associate in Science – Computer Science program complete the coursework equivalent to the first two years of a four-year bachelor’s degree program. The Associate in Science – Computer Science degree program prepares students to transfer to a 4-year institution and ultimately work professionally in areas centered around computer science.

Online options are also available for this program. Click to learn more.

General Education Requirements

Universal General Education Transfer Components (UGETC)
These courses have been approved to satisfy the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement general education core UGETC courses and will transfer for equivalency credit.

Course Title Credits
Fall Semester #1
ACA 122 College Transfer Success 1
CIS 110 Introduction to Computers 3
CIS 115 Intro Programming & Logic 3
ENG 111 Writing and Inquiry 3
MAT 171 Precalculus Algebra 4
Semester Total 14
Spring Semester #1
CSC 151 JAVA Programming 3
ENG 112 Writing/Research in Discp 3
*Humanities/Fine Arts Elective 3
CSC 134 C++ Programming 3
MAT 172 Precalculus Trigonometry 4
Semester Total 16
Fall Semester #2
BIO 111 General Biology I 4
*Social/Behavioral Science Elective 3
CSC 251 Advanced JAVA Programming 3
*Humanities/Fine Arts Elective 3
*Additional General Education Hours 4
Semester Total 17
Spring Semester #2
BIO 112 General Biology II 4
COM 231 Public Speaking 3
*Social/Behavioral Science Elective 3
*Mathematics (per 4-year institution) 4
Semester Total 14

Note: See Humanities/Fine Arts Electives and Social Behavior recommendations below.

[1] Recommendations for transferring institutions: UNC-G – MAT 172, MAT 271, MAT 272, MAT 273; Fayetteville State & APP ST (Computer Science) – MAT 171, MAT 172, MAT 271, MAT 272; APP ST (Information Systems) – MAT 152, ECO 251, ECO 252 and one additional Social/Behavioral Science elective listed under footnote #3; UNC-W – MAT 152, MAT 171, MAT 271, MAT 272; NC A&T, UNC-C & HPU – MAT 171, MAT 172, MAT 271, MAT 272; Mount Olive – MAT 143 or MAT 152 or MAT 171 or MAT 172 and ECO 251 and ECO 252 and REL 211 and REL 212; ECU – MAT 171, MAT 271, MAT 152, and HEA 110 in place of one MAT course; UNC-P – MAT 171 and MAT 172 or MAT 271, and 3 additional credit hours in Social Sciences and 2 additional credits in Physical Education. The appropriate sequence will depend upon initial placement.

[2] Recommendations for transferring institutions: UNC-W, UNC-G, ECU, Mount Olive, APP ST, HPU – COM 231, NC A&T – COM 110 or  COM 111; UNC-C – PHI 240 or HUM 110.

[3] Recommendations for transferring institutions: UNC-G, APP ST, HPU – ART 111 or 114 or ENG 231 or MUS 110; NC A&T – REL 110; UNC-W – MUS 110 or PHI 215; Mount Olive – ART 111 or ART 114 or ART 115 or MUS 110 or MUS 112.

[4] For most institutions students may select from ECO 251, ECO 252, PSY 150, POL 120, or SOC 210. Students transferring to UNC-W should take HIS 111 and SOC 210 or PSY 150; Mount Olive students should take PSY 150 or SOC 210 and an additional Social/Behavioral Science in HIS 111 & HIS 112 or HIS 131 & HIS 132; HPU students should select two from this list.

[5] Students transferring to UNC-P should take the following course instead of BIO 112: PHY 151 or PHY 251.

woman sitting in front of computer screens

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