Brunwick Campus Aerial

Institutional Review Board Request

Brunswick Community College has an Institutional Review Board (IRB) that assesses research requests made to the College to assure the safety and protection of potential research subjects. To have a research project reviewed by the IRB Team, please review the BCC IRB Policy before submitting the following information at least one month in advance of your requested start date.


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Name of Requestor
Which best describes your role in this study?

If the project is for a doctoral program, please identify the name of your Committee Chair and provide contact information. Provide the appropriate IRB approval from you institution below.

Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 2 files.
This should include your letter of approval from the Institution's IRB (with your name and research study number within the letter).
Have you completed any training in ethical research on human subjects?
Please include month, day, and year.
Please include month, day, and year.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 2 files.
Please upload documentation here. 15 MB limit.

Please be aware that all costs associated with the dissemination of a project to potential research subjects, including paper, postage, envelopes, etc., are the responsibility of the outside researcher. The Office of Planning and Research or other departments may assist in the process, but only if time permits and in coordination well in advance of the proposed start date once approval is granted,

Brunwick Campus Aerial

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