HOR 112 – Landscape Design I

Lecture: 2 Lab: 3 Clinic: 0 Work: 0 Credits: 3
This course covers landscape principles and practices for residential and commercial sites. Emphasis is placed on drafting, site analysis, and common elements of good design, plant material selection, and proper plant utilization (encouraged use of native plants and discouraged use of invasive species). Upon completion, students should be able to read plans and draft a Read More

HOR 114 – Lanscape Construction

Lecture: 2 Lab: 2 Clinic: 0 Work: 0 Credits: 3
This course introduces the design and fabrication of landscape structures/features. Emphasis is placed on safety, tool identification and use, material selection, construction techniques, and fabrication. Upon completion, students should be able to design and construct common landscape structures/features.

HOR 134 – Greenhouse Operations

Lecture: 2 Lab: 2 Clinic: 0 Work: 0 Credits: 3
This course covers the principles and procedures involved in the operation and maintenance of greenhouse facilities. Emphasis is placed on the operation of greenhouse systems, including the environmental control, record keeping, scheduling, and production practices. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate the ability to operate greenhouse systems and facilities to produce greenhouse crops.

HOR 152 – Horticultural Practices

Lecture: 0 Lab: 3 Clinic: 0 Work: 0 Credits: 1
This course covers the maintenance of ornamental plantings and production areas. Topics include maintenance of flower beds, vegetable gardens, greenhouses, and container and field nursery stock using sound horticultural practices. Upon completion, students should be able to apply the principles and practices of maintaining ornamental landscape plantings.

HOR 160 – Plant Materials I

Lecture: 2 Lab: 2 Clinic: 0 Work: 0 Credits: 3
This course covers identification, culture, characteristics, and use of plants in a sustainable landscape. Emphasis is placed on nomenclature, identification, growth requirements, cultural requirements, soil preferences, and landscape applications. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate knowledge of the proper selection and utilization of plant materials, including natives and invasive plants.

HOR 162 – Applied Plant Science

Lecture: 2 Lab: 2 Clinic: 0 Work: 0 Credits: 3
This course introduces the basic concepts of botany as they apply to horticulture. Topics include nomenclature, physiology, morphology, and anatomy as they apply to plant culture. Upon completion, students should be able to apply the basic principles of botany to horticulture.

HOR 164 – Horticulture Pest Management

Lecture: 2 Lab: 2 Clinic: 0 Work: 0 Credits: 3
This course covers the identification and control of plant pests including insects, diseases, and weeds. Topics include pest identification and chemical regulations, safety, and pesticide applications. Upon completion, students should be able to meet the requirements for North Carolina Commercial Pesticide Grounds Applicators license

HOR 166 – Soils & Fertilizers

Lecture: 2 Lab: 2 Clinic: 0 Work: 0 Credits: 3
This course covers the physical and chemical properties of soils and soil fertility and management. Topics include soil formation; classification; physical, chemical, and biological properties (including microorganisms); testing; and fertilizer application. Upon completion, students should be able to analyze, evaluate, and properly amend soils/media according to sustainable practices.

HOR 168 – Plant Propagation

Lecture: 2 Lab: 2 Clinic: 0 Work: 0 Credits: 3
This course is a study of sexual and asexual reproduction of plants. Emphasis is placed on seed propagation, grafting, stem and root propagation, micro-propagation, and other propagation techniques. Upon completion, students should be able to successfully propagate ornamental plants.

HOR 257 – Arboriculture Practices

Lecture: 1 Lab: 3 Clinic: 0 Work: 0 Credits: 2
This course covers the culture and maintenance of trees and shrubs. Topics include fertilization, pruning, approved climbing techniques, pest control, and equipment use and safety. Upon completion, students should be able to properly prune trees and shrubs and perform arboricultural practices.