BIP Students Shine in Special Olympics

Town Creek Park in Winnabow, NC, was a sea of athletes on Tuesday, March 29 as the Special Olympics of Brunswick County held its annual Spring Games. Students from the Brunswick Interagency Program (BIP) represented BCC in fine fashion. Excitement, sportsmanship, self-confidence, pride, camaraderie, and so much more was everywhere as athletes prepared to compete, crossed finish lines, cheered their friends, and celebrated everyone. BCC President Gene Smith provided the day’s opening remarks and BIP student Jessica Mangelli was the event’s torch bearer. Mangelli also earned Athlete of the Year. Thank you to all of the organizers and volunteers who made this Special Olympics event possible and for all BIP staff for their love and devotion to students and their success. Follow this link to learn more about the BIP program.
See the full album of photos on the BCC Facebook Page linked here.