BCC’s President Gene Smith and SBC Director April Scott Named WilmingtonBiz 100 Honorees
For the second consecutive year, the WilmingtonBiz 100 honorees include BCC President Gene Smith and Small Business Center Director April Scott. The WilmingtonBiz 100 is an annual Greater Wilmington Business Journal initiative to recognize the top 100 Power Players, Influencers, Innovators, Connectors, and Rising Stars impacting the Wilmington area’s business landscape.
Selected as a Top Influencer, President Smith was recognized for leading BCC’s efforts to engage area residents in the college as students, donors, members of the Sports & Aquatics Complex, concertgoers at the Odell Williamson Auditorium, and more. He spearheaded an effort to attract more adult learners to finish or begin their education as part of a John M. Belk Endowment grant. Also noted was President Smith’s work to expand current trade programs, launch the new Dental Assisting Program, and design a new Public Safety Training Center as part of a Golden LEAF Foundation grant.
If yours is one of the many businesses that April Scott helped open and grow, it should be no surprise to see her name as a Top Connector. April is a champion for local entrepreneurs of all shapes and sizes. In 2022, she created the Womenprenur Empowerment Summit and recently held year two of the annual two-day event attended by women from as far away as Alabama. Also contributing to April’s selection as a Top Connector is her work in creating more opportunities for Hispanic entrepreneurs.
We are incredibly proud of and grateful for President Gene Smith and April Scott. You can read more about their accomplishments in the Winter 2023 issue of WilmingtonBiz Magazine, now hitting new stands and mailboxes. December 2023