BCC Welcomes N.C. Reconnect Team to Campus

Brunswick Community College (BCC) hosted visitors from EducationNC and the John M. Belk Endowment (JMBE), the organization powering N.C. Reconnect. Launched in July, N.C. Reconnect is taking a collaborative approach to helping adult learners re-enroll and succeed in community colleges statewide. In November, JMBE selected BCC as one of 15 NC community colleges to be included in this effort. Yesterday’s visit began with the opportunity for guests to learn more about BCC’s vision, history, critical academic and workforce development programs, growth, accomplishments, and future goals. It included a tour of the college’s OneStop Student Services center, Douglas Terhune Center for Culinary Arts, new Myong and Paul Jensen Workforce Development Center, Brunswick Interagency Program serving special needs adults, and Southport Center for Heritage Arts.
January 19, 2023