Brunwick Campus Aerial
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Placement Exam

Placement for college-level English and Math are determined by unweighted GPA or GED/HiSet scores. Placement exams are not required, but students can elect to take one.  The results of these exams can identify if you need to refresh your reading, writing, and/or math skills prior to enrolling in curriculum courses.  Take this exam seriously!  Preparing for these exams could provide you more course options, which may save you time and money.

What are placement/assessment exams?

Colleges often use placement/assessment exams to determine your readiness for college level coursework by measuring your reading, writing, and math skills. You cannot “pass” or “fail” these exams, but it is important that you do your best to assure you are placed into the appropriate courses. If you are college ready, you will be exempt from completing transition courses and may begin enrolling in college level courses in your first semester. If you need to refresh your reading, writing, and/or math skills, there are several course options available to help you prepare for curriculum coursework.

Is there a fee for these exams?

There is no fee to complete any placement/assessment exam.

How long are the exams?

This is an untimed adaptive test. Thus, the length of the time varies based on the individual. We suggest that you allow a minimum of three hours to complete these exams.

Can I use a calculator?

The exam software contains a built-in calculator. Using personal calculators and the Windows Operating System’s calculator is not allowed.

Can I retake an exam if I believe I can do better?

You may be eligible to retake the exam one time, if your first score reaches a determined threshold.

Exam Tips for Placement/Assessment Testing

  1. Take your placement test seriously!  Use the online resources to refresh your skills prior to taking any of the exams. Your testing results will determine your placement in curriculum level courses.
  2. You are not required to take the entire exam at one sitting.  You can take the English and math exams at separate times.
  3. Tests are computerized and un-timed.  You will not be penalized for the time you need to read instructions, so there is no need to rush. Carefully read the instructions that appear on your computer screen prior to answering a question.  In some cases, you may need to respond to several questions on one screen.  Once you click on “Next”, you cannot go back and change your responses.
  4. Personal calculators and dictionaries are not allowed. The exam software contains a built-in calculator and some questions will allow you to use it.
  5. Get a good night’s sleep and have a light meal before arriving to the testing center.  Your test can take three or more hours so you want to be ready!
  6. Bring a Photo ID to the testing center.  Don’t bring unnecessary items.  Personal items including cell phones and any other electronic devices will be stored outside of the testing room during the exam.

Study Resources for Placement/Assessment Testing 

There are many resources that can provide you with the best practices, strategies, and tools to help you refresh and improve your reading, writing, and math skills.

Study Resource for Math RISE placement test

Study Resource for English RISE placement test

Brunwick Campus Aerial

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