About BCC
2023-2028 Strategic Plan
Student Access
BCC will remove barriers for students to access academic, continuing education, and economic workforce development programs.
- Enhance BCC’s OneStop Student Service Center to be the gateway and service hub to the college providing high-level services for program selection, registration, tuition, scholarships, and student support services.
- Expand course offering schedule and mode of delivery to meet the daytime, evening, and weekend needs of students (face-to-face, hybrid, block, on-line).
- Expand scholarship opportunities for all students.
- Provide focused recruitment, retention, and completion strategies for adults throughout the community.
- Increase visibility to increase enrollment at Southport, Leland, and Brunswick Educational and Trades Certification Center through website, social media, etc.
- Strengthen partnership with Brunswick County Schools, private, and home schools to increase enrollment in all Career and College Promise programs.
Student Success
BCC will provide services and resources that empower students to succeed.
- Enhance student communications through text, email, and phone to retain students to credential completion.
- Provide connection with employers and career advising for students through a Career Center.
- Leverage grants and foundation funding to increase student success.
- Grow athletic programs to provide educational opportunities.
- Increase opportunities for student engagement through SGA, student clubs, and student activities.
- Increase campus awareness and student utilization of academic and student support services (Library, The Learning Center, Aviso, Counseling, Food Pantry, etc.).
Program Quality
BCC will sustain, enhance, develop, and deliver relevant, innovative, and high quality educational programs and services that prepare graduates for college transfer and the workforce.
- Deliver new and current programs in flexible, efficient ways that lead to increased student enrollment and completion.
- Utilize local, regional, and state analytics to assess current program performance to enhance program variety and sustainability.
- Utilize community participation to develop and implement programs and services that meet local needs.
- Improve learning environments through diverse revenue streams including grants, foundation, state budget, county budget.
- Increase and nurture partnerships and articulation agreements with senior institutions.
Employee Recruitment & Retention
BCC will enhance ways to recruit, develop, and retain high performing employees.
- Design and implement a salary improvement plan for all BCC employees.
- Implement employee on-boarding experience that acclimates new employees to BCC culture, expectations, policies, and procedures.
- Embrace interdepartmental cross-training of employees to improve efficiency and effectiveness.
- Optimize technology and training to enhance employee knowledge and innovation.
- Update and improve the employee evaluation process.
Economic & Workforce Development
BCC will develop and maintain programs and services to advance the workforce of our communities.
- Assist the region/county in attracting new businesses to the area.
- Increase business, community, and industry partnerships and engagement opportunities with College and students.
- Strengthen seamless, cohesive classes that bridge curriculum and continuing education learning opportunities.
- Enhance partnership with Brunswick County Schools to increase opportunities and enrollment with short-term workforce development within Career & College Promise.
Institutional Quality
BCC will continually improve quality in all college administrative services, student services, and support services to ensure the College’s vision, mission, and goals will be achieved.
- Improve student access to course materials and resources.
- Continue to implement the Facilities Master Plan as budget allows.
- Develop a college-wide technology plan.
- Renovate or re-purpose facilities to accommodate college growth, program additions, and improve and update learning environments.
- Maintain facilities and grounds that create a welcoming environment.
- Continue to embrace diversity and equity through all areas of the College.
- Use local and NCCCS data to build and support strategic enrollment, marketing and student success plans.