Faculty Resources
There are three main ways faculty can work with the TLC to reach and teach students.
Class Visits
If instructors are interested in scheduling a class visit, in which coaches/consultants introduce students to the TLC and its offerings, they can call (910) 755-7334. The Writing Center also offers subject specific presentations, such as paragraph development and avoiding plagiarism/incorporating outside sources.
Whether students are referred to the TLC or they come on their own, coaches/consultants are better able to prepare if they fully understand the assignment or what is being discussed in class. Instructors may email their assignments and expectations to the TLC, stop by and explain them, or present them at an TLC staff meeting. Please speak with Candace Kelly to make arrangements.
Faculty Referral Form
In an effort to keep faculty, students, and the TLC in conversation, faculty members are asked to complete the faculty referral form with the student and send it to the TLC. Faculty may indicate up to three areas they suggest the student discuss with a coach/consultant. At the end of the session, the consultant will review with the student and file the form.