Gainful Employment Programs Disclosure
While all programs at Brunswick Community College (BCC) are designed to lead to either employment or transfer, the Department of Education has mandated effective July 1, 2011 that institutions disclose specific information about programs that meet the federal government’s Gainful Employment Program definition. At BCC, these programs are either certificate or diploma programs that are also Title IV eligible educational programs. To comply with the federal mandate, BCC has created this page for prospective students to access program information, including links to occupational information, estimated cost of program, normal time for program completion, median debt at program completion, and job placement rate for program completers, if available.
Please select from the list below to view information about the BCC programs that meet the Gainful Employment Program definition. For programs with less than 10 graduates, the institution is exempt from disclosing median debt amounts and on-time completion rates (designated by n/a). BCC does not provide on-campus living facilities, so room and board costs are not applicable.
Gainful Employment Programs
Accounting Diploma
Basic Law Enforcement Training Certificate
Cosmetology Certificate
Cosmetology Diploma
Early Childhood Education Diploma
Health Information Technology Diploma
Horticulture Technology Diploma
Licensed Practical Nursing Diploma
Turfgrass Management Diploma
Welding Technology Diploma