Brunwick Campus Aerial

Public Safety Administration Corrections (A55480CR)

The Public Safety Administration curriculum is designed to provide students, as well as practitioners, with knowledge and skills in the technical, managerial, and administrative areas necessary for entrance or advancement within various public safety and government organizations.

Course work in diverse subject areas includes public safety administration and education, interagency operations, crises leadership, government and agency financial management, professional standards, incident management, administrative law, and supervision, while providing a streamlined pathway that recognizes the value of previously earned skillsets and credentials within the public safety sector.

Employment opportunities exists with fire or police departments, emergency management organizations, governmental agencies, industrial firms, correctional facilities, private industries, insurance organizations, educational organizations, security and protective organizations, and through self-employment opportunities.

This program is also available through Brunswick Online. Click to learn more.

Course Title Credits
Fall Semester # 1
ACA 122 College Transfer Success 1
CJC 111 Intro to Criminal Justice 3
ENG 111 Writing and Inquiry 3
EPT 150 Incident Management 3
PAD 151 Intro to Pubic Administration 3
CJC 131 Criminal Law 3
Semester Total 16
Spring Semester #1
CJC 141 Corrections 3
PAD 152 Ethics in Government 3
CIS 110 Intro to Computers 3
COM 231 Pubic Speaking 3
or ENG 112 Writing/Research/Discipline 3
CJC 231 Constitutional Law 3
Semester Total 15
Summer Semester #1
MAT 143 Quantitative Literacy 3
POL 120 American Government 3
or PSY 150 General Psychology 3
Semester Total 6
Fall Semester #2
PAD 254 Grant Writing 3
PAD 251 Public Finance and Budgeting 3
HUM 115 Critical Thinking 3
CJC 112 Criminology 3
Semester Total 12
Spring Semester #2
CJC 232 Civil Liability 3
CJC 225 Crisis Intervention 3
PAD 252 Public Policy Analysis 3
CJC 240 Law Enforcement Mgmt&Super 3
CJC 213 Substance Abuse 3
Semester Total 15
Brunwick Campus Aerial

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