Human Finger meeting AI finger

Artificial Intelligence (A24710)

The Artificial Intelligence (AI) curriculum is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary for employment and growth in the AI profession.

Course work includes various subject areas related to AI fundamentals, machine learning, deep learning theory, and hands-on training in multiple AI domains for the purpose of creating and implementing artificial intelligence across a broad range of applications.

Brunswick Community College has partnered with Wayne Community College to offer Artificial Intelligence training to our students.   Students will complete the first two semester’s of this program at BCC, and then, complete the  first Summer and Second Fall and Spring courses through Wayne Community College.  Courses provided by Wayne Community College will be offered in an online environment.

Graduates may qualify for entry-level AI positions such as AI engineer, AI project manager, AI researcher, AI consultant, AI architect, conversational AI specialist, AI automation engineer, AI software engineer, and machine learning specialist.

Course Title Credits
Fall Semester #1  
1st 8 Week
ACA 122 College Transfer Success (BCC) 1
CSC 121 Python Programming (BCC) 3
2nd 8 Week
CSC 221 Advanced Python Programming (BCC) 3
ENG 111 Expository Writing (BCC) 3
MAT 152 Statistical Methods I (BCC) 4
Semester Total 14
Spring Semester #1  
1st 8 Week
MAT 171 Precalculus Algebra (BCC) 4
Elective English ENG 112 or ENG 114 (BCC) 3
2nd 8 Week
MAT 263 Brief Calculus (BCC) 3
Elective Humanities/Fine Arts Elective (BCC)
ART 111, HUM 115, MUS 110, PHI 240, REL 110
Semester Total 14
Summer Semester #1 
CSC 112  Machine Learning Computation (WCC*) 3
CTS 285 Systems Analysis & Design (WCC*) 3
CSC 113 Artificial Intel Fundamentals (WCC*) 3
Elective Social/Behavioral Science Elective (BCC)

ANT 210, ECO 251, ECO 252, GEO 111, HIS 111, HIS 112, HIS 121,

HIS 122, HIS 131, HIS 132, HIS 162, HIS 221, POL 120, PSY 150,

PSY 241, PSY 281, SOC 210, SOC 213, SOC 220, SOC 225, SOC 230,

SOC 240, SOC 242

Semester Total 12
Fall Semester  
CSC 114 Artificial Intelligence I (WCC*) 3
CSC 115 Machine Learning I (WCC*) 3
CSC 128 Chatbot Programming I (WCC*) 3
CSC 162 Computer Vision (WCC*) 3
CTS 210 Computer Ethics (WCC*) 3
Semester Total 15
Spring Semester #2  
CSC 161 Deep Learning (WCC*) 3
CSC 214 Artificial Intelligence II (WCC*) 3
CSC 215 Machine Learning II (WCC*) 3
CSC 228 Chatbot Programming I (WCC*) 3
WBL 110 or

WBL 111

Work-Based Learning I (WCC*)

Work-Based Learning II (WCC*)



Semester Total 13

*Collaborative Agreement with Wayne Community College (See Description below)

The Artificial Intelligence (AI) curriculum is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary for employment and growth in the AI profession.

Course work includes various subject areas related to AI fundamentals, machine learning, deep learning theory, and hands-on training in multiple AI domains for the purpose of creating and implementing artificial intelligence across a broad range of applications.

Graduates may qualify for entry-level AI positions such as AI engineer, AI project manager, AI researcher, AI consultant, AI architect, conversational AI specialist, AI automation engineer, AI software engineer, and machine learning specialist.

*BCC is authorized to offer select courses leading to an Associate in Applied Science Degree in Artificial Intelligence through a collaborative agreement with Wayne Community College. Wayne Community College will award the Associate in Applied Science Degree in Artificial Intelligence to any student successfully completing all the state requirements of their program.

All required courses at Wayne Community College can be completed 100% online. Please speak to your advisor if you have taken courses at another college or university.

Contact person at WCC is Jennifer Tyndall [email protected]



Human Finger meeting AI finger

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