
GFWC-SBI Supports BCC Nursing Program

August 16, 2022 — The Brunswick Community College (BCC) Foundation is excited to share that members of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs of the South Brunswick Islands (GFWC-SBI) have donated $1,000.00 to the Foundation of BCC. This donation will provide scholarship support to a deserving nursing student currently enrolled at the College. The GFWC-SBI is a local chapter of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC), which is one of the world’s largest and oldest non-denominational, non-partisan, International volunteer service organizations for women.GFWC-SBI has had a commitment to education since inception as a charter member of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs. They support our community by offering scholarships to those in financial need with a strong academic background and a drive to succeed. To date, GFWC-SBI has awarded almost $50,000 in scholarships to students in our local community since 1988. The passion and commitment for the nursing career stems from a long line of medical professionals within the organization where many club members are nurses. The club recognizes that there is currently a great demand for nurses throughout our country. In some areas, that demand has reached a point of crisis due to the shortage of qualified individuals to fill the needs of local communities.BCC Foundation Executive Director, Elizabeth Wassum says, “We are grateful to the GFWC- SBI for their continued support of BCC students nurses. The Federation is helping pave the way for future Brunswick County nurses.”If you are interested in providing scholarship support for Brunswick Community College students, please contact Elizabeth Wassum at 910-755-6530 or [email protected]. CLICK HERE for more information on BCC’s Nursing and Heath Care programs.Photo Caption L-R:  Dr. Gene Smith, BCC President; Beth Elliott, GFWC-SBI Treasurer; Chris Angotti, GFWC-SBI Scholarship Committee; Sheila Roberson, GFWC-SBI Scholarship Committee; Elizabeth Wassum, BCC Foundation Executive Director
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