Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I register for classes?
You can register for classes online or in person at our Main Campus, Leland Center for Economic & Workforce Development, and at our Southport Center for Heritage Arts.
CLICK HERE For a step-by-step guide to registering online
CLICK HERE to begin your online registration.
Note: Social Security Numbers (SSN) are stored in a secure, encrypted format. SSN are not required by BCC but may be required by a Certifying agency.
When registering in person, complete the BCC Registration form and bring with payment to one of the following campuses:
Main Campus, Building A, Student Services
50 College Road
Bolivia, NC 28422
Mon – Thurs. 8am – 5pm
Fri. 8am – 3pm
Leland Center for Economic & Workforce Development
2045 Enterprise Drive
Leland, NC 28451
Mon – Thurs. 8am – 5pm
Fri. 8am – 3pm
Southport Center
701 N. Lord Street
Southport, NC 28461
Mon – Thurs. 8am – 5pm
Who may register?
Any adult, 18 years of age or older, may register for a course. Individuals 16 to 17 years old may register upon recommendation of the chief administrative school officer and parent/guardian.
What are your registration fees?
A registration fee is charged for most Continuing Education courses. The North Carolina State Board of Community Colleges is responsible for our fee structure for Occupation Extension courses. 1 – 24 hours $70 25 – 50 hours $125 51 + hours $180
What is your refund policy?
Refunds are allowed under the following circumstances:
- A student who officially withdraws, in writing, from an occupational extension class prior to the first class meeting or if a class is cancelled shall be eligible for a 100% refund.
- After class begins, 75% shall be refunded at the request of the student if the student officially withdraws, in writing, from the class prior to or at the 10% point of the scheduled hours of the class. Note: This rule is applicable regardless of the number of times the class meets or the number of hours the class is scheduled to meet.
- For contact hour classes, students must withdraw, in writing, within 10 calendar days.
- Self-Supporting classes will refund 75% to the student with an official withdraw from the class prior to the start date. No refunds will be issued after the start date of class.
- If a student, having paid the required registration fee for a semester, dies during that semester (prior to or on the last day of examinations of the course the student was attending), all registration fees for that semester will be refunded to the estate of the deceased.
How do I schedule a campus visit or tour?
To schedule a tour, CLICK HERE.
Is there someone I can speak with about programs and classes?
Yes. Contact BCC’s OneStop Center at [email protected] or call 910-755-7320.
I am an Adult Education student. How can I request a copy of my transcript?
Please follow these step:
High School Equivalency Diploma and/or Transcript Requests: All GED® and HiSET® test takers can find instructions for requesting diplomas and transcripts at the following link:
Adult High School Transcript Requests: Complete the AHS Transcript Request Form. Instructions for return & processing are included on the form.