Brunwick Campus Aerial

Brunswick Community College Celebrates 45th Commencement Ceremony


Two BCC Graduates holding giant 2024 balloons


On Friday, May 10, Brunswick Community College (BCC) proudly celebrated its 45th Commencement Ceremony at the Odell Williamson Auditorium. The event celebrated the achievements of 560 graduates who earned a combined total of 707 degrees, diplomas, and certificates across a wide array of academic and vocational disciplines.

The commencement recognized the accomplishments of students completing Associate in Arts, Associate in Engineering, Associate in Science, Associate in Applied Science programs, as well as various diploma and certificate curricula. Among the graduating class were students from Brunswick County Early College High School and the Career & College Promise program, which enables high school students to dually enroll in college courses.

In a series of smaller, focused ceremonies throughout the 2023-2024 school year, BCC also awarded 967 industry-recognized credentials to students in the Continuing Education and Workforce Development programs, underscoring the college’s commitment to trades education, lifelong learning, and professional development.

BCC President Gene Smith presided over the ceremony, highlighting the college’s enduring dedication to educational excellence and student success. Graduates Lucas Merriam and Anton George, serving as this year’s commencement speakers, shared their inspirational journeys and future aspirations, drawing from their rich experiences at BCC.

The ceremony also provided an opportunity to honor distinguished students and faculty members with prestigious awards, including the 2024 President’s Award (Alexandria N. Hallman), Distinguished Alumni, (Julia Andrews), Academic Excellence Award (Dimitry Williamson), Dallas Herring Achievement Award (Chalwe Mwansa), Robert W. Scott Leadership Award (Benjamin Bias), Dinah E. Gore Excellence in Teaching Award (Sarah Simmons), and the Dinah E. Gore Adjunct Faculty of the Year Award (Peggy Salayi).

“This commencement not only commemorates academic achievements but also reflects our collective commitment to nurturing leaders and innovators prepared to contribute positively to our society,” said President Smith. “BCC graduates go on to attend universities, launch entrepreneurial ventures, or embark on rewarding professional careers.”

Brunswick Community College continues to be a beacon of learning and opportunity in North Carolina, dedicated to fostering academic and personal growth in its students.

To learn more about Brunswick Community College and its programs, visit BCC’s website. For hundreds of event photos, visit the BCC Facebook Page.


May 2024

Brunwick Campus Aerial

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