McKinley, Elizabeth
English Instructor
McWhite, James
Instructor, CAD 170
Merrill, Ryan
Fire/Rescue and In-Service Law Enforcement
Milligan, Lisa
Box Office Manager
Milliken, Michael C.
Maintenance Technician/ Licensed Electrician
Mills, Paul
English Instructor
Mintz, Katie
Director, Teacher Education
Mobley, Sarah
Career Navigator, WIOA
Moore, Timothy
Day Support Specialist, BIP
Morris, Mackenzie
Deputy, Sheriff's Office @BCC
Mullis, Tammy
Instructor, Culinary
Munna, Jerome
Program Director, Department of Emergency Medical Science
Munzing-Hickman, Cindy
Coordinator, Lab
Myers, Brigette
Instructor, Math
Nelson, Teresa
Executive Director, The Foundation of Brunswick Community College
Nielsen, Andrew “AJ”
Network Security Administrator
Noll, Dr. Renee
Communications Instructor
Nulter, Kevin
Grounds Technician
Office of Disability Services
Office of Student Financial Aid